Thursday, November 21, 2013

Are You Hungry? Have You Eaten? and Indian Farmers - ANSWERS

Are You Hungry? Have You Eaten? with ANSWERS.

In India- Farmers

How do farmers live?
They live in a very poor condition, without access to basic facilities. Go through and see what basic facilities they get poor facility

What are their earnings?
They can earn much more by selling their piece of land than farming and earning from that produce. They are struggling to meet the ends from their farming incomes. 

What is the government doing to make them more productive?
Actually nothing, otherwise we could have seen the results much earlier. Banks are supposed to support farmers, by giving low interest loans to farmers. Somehow that has not translated to farming productivity or increase in farmers' standard.

How efficient is our agriculture?
Poor. Read the next answer, you will know.

Where are we ranking in terms of our agricultural efficiency?
Far below than the potential. India is 55% less efficient* than China and 40% less efficient* than Indonesia. 

What is the comparison of software GDP and (the real produce) agriculture GDP?
Software GDP* is 40% and Agricultural GDP* is 16% How do you call this country as a country of villages if farming gives only this GDP.

What do we do to make India no.1 in agriculture
1)Young people to be motivated to see, agriculture as one of the professional fields
2)Banks to genuinely support the current farmers
3)Farming to be treated important than real estate (people select selling the land because it is much easier than farming) 

How to reduce food price
Support the farmer and the right politician (India is changing. Go through what AAP has done in Delhi

How to take care of poor Indians (Indians who are poor)
Produce and Share, Ingenuously, than export and sell. Japan is an example of that principle.

A blog on similar lines, by Chetan Bhagat


Saturday, November 16, 2013

what's your idea - will property bubble burst? share your opinion!

Dear Valued Reader,

Share your opinion. When you do so, you will get the people's index of real estate prices in metros.

Also do you think, the property bubble in India will burst? take the survey
 min :-)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Office and World Peace


Are you a happy person in your job or business? If yes read this, if no continue reading. We have got some thing to think over.  Do you agree that the world is made of people who work in an office, managing politics and public works, or in an office linked to manufacturing a product and or selling the product, or working in a place which is managing services offered to people. People can be in jobs or in businesses linked to the above.

So any person in this world is linked or related to a person working in an office or running a business. We for the purpose of this discussion currently will not look at people idling time or linked or only related to idlers.

The point is any impact in an office is taken home. I have heard people saying. 'I have clarity of my role. I dont mixup both office and home or personal'. Oh really come on! What? you are not thinking about your daughter even once when you are in office or you dont think about a good/bad comment of your boss when you are at home. Being home or at office mentally is not 100 percent possible. Are you with me?

Therefore you are not  completely a different person at home and at office. You are the same human being with same attitudes.

Dear Bosses at office if you ensure you keep your people happy, and they keep their teams happy world over, the world will be happy. Also dear subordinates and team members of various business and political teams, keep your bosses happy the world will be happier.

We need to understand when personal goals and team's and organisation's and states and country's goals are towards betterment of all their components - the members, world will become a much happier place to live.

World peace and happiness to occur in the minds first then it will happen in reality.
